The editors welcome the submission of original articles, review articles, book reviews, comments, discussion, and creative works (including art, video, and audio) within the aim and scope of the journal which have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Contributions may also be solicited by the editors. Please refer to the guidelines for authors before submitting an article.
The Nabokov Online Journal is a peer-reviewed journal. All suitable contributions will be sent to at least two peer reviewers in a blind assessment process. The final decision to publish an article is made by the Editorial Board. We endeavor to provide a relatively prompt assessment of suitability for publication.
The Nabokov Online Journal's copyright ownership policy is to acquire a sole and exclusive licence for all published content. Authors are asked to sign the publication agreement allowing disseminating the Article through the Journal electronic platform as well as any subsequent print collections that may be based on the materials published by the Journal (such as our almanac "The Goalkeeper: Nabokov Almanac", the first volume of which was published in 2011).
Rights are retained by all Nabokov Online Journal authors: after publication by NOJ, contributors may use all or part of the Article and abstract, for their own personal use, including their own classroom teaching purposes. They also retain the right, after publication by Nabokov Online Journal, to use all or part of the Article and abstract, in the preparation of derivative works, extension of the article into book-length or in other works, provided that a full acknowledgement is made to the original publication in the journal. All requests to reuse the article, in whole or in part, in another publication should be directed to the Editor of the Nabokov Online Journal.
The Nabokov Online Journal is a peer-reviewed journal. All suitable contributions will be sent to at least two peer reviewers in a blind assessment process. The final decision to publish an article is made by the Editorial Board. We endeavor to provide a relatively prompt assessment of suitability for publication.
The Nabokov Online Journal's copyright ownership policy is to acquire a sole and exclusive licence for all published content. Authors are asked to sign the publication agreement allowing disseminating the Article through the Journal electronic platform as well as any subsequent print collections that may be based on the materials published by the Journal (such as our almanac "The Goalkeeper: Nabokov Almanac", the first volume of which was published in 2011).
Rights are retained by all Nabokov Online Journal authors: after publication by NOJ, contributors may use all or part of the Article and abstract, for their own personal use, including their own classroom teaching purposes. They also retain the right, after publication by Nabokov Online Journal, to use all or part of the Article and abstract, in the preparation of derivative works, extension of the article into book-length or in other works, provided that a full acknowledgement is made to the original publication in the journal. All requests to reuse the article, in whole or in part, in another publication should be directed to the Editor of the Nabokov Online Journal.